Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Path to the Studio"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
159 x 202 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
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Besuchen Sie uns in der Galerie oder entdecken Sie die Ausstellung(en) auf einer virtuellen Tour:
"Für mich, der ich selbst ein Romantiker bin, geht dieses kompositorische Mittel, bei dem Figuren im Vorder- oder Mittelgrund eines Bildes
von hinten zu sehen sind, mit dem Thema der Landschaft als Projektionsfläche für existentielle Anliegen einher und gleichzeitig besteht
eine akausale Synchronizitäts-Koinzidenz – wenn auch eine, die zweihundert Jahre hinter dem Friedrich'schen Motiv zurückliegt!"
Tom Hammick
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Path to the Studio"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
159 x 202 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
– Malerei und Graphik
Parallel zeigen wir:
(geb. 1951 in Freiburg im Breisgau)
– Malerei
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Living Air"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
161 x 204 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Zur Eröffnung am Freitag, den 30. August 2024
in der Zeit zwischen 18.00 und 20.00 Uhr
laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.
Die Künstler sind anwesend.
Bitte beachten Sie unsere besonderen Öffnungszeiten zu den
Freitag, 30. August von 10.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Samstag, 31. August von 11.00 bis 19.00 Uhr
Sonntag, 1. September von 13.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss I"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss II"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Pressetext zu den Ausstellungen RALPH FLECK und TOM HAMMICK.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Koodge's Garden"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2022
140,8 x 120 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
TOM HAMMICK – Rückenfigur
Das alljährliche Galerienwochenende DC-Open markiert den Auftakt der neuen Ausstellungssaison im Rheinland. Die Galerie Boisserée hat für diesen Anlass eine Ausstellung kuratiert, die erstmals die beiden Malereipositionen des renommierten Freiburger Malers Ralph Fleck und des britischen Peintre-Graveurs Tom Hammick zusammenbringt.
Mit Spannung können neue Werke aus dem Atelier Fleck erwartet werden. Der vor allem für seine Stadtansichten, die wie ein malerisches Google Maps wirken, bekannte Ralph Fleck widmet sich auch diesmal dem Motiv "Stadt". In der Ausstellung repräsentiert sich die Stadt aber nicht nur durch die gemalten Häuserreihen und Straßenschluchten, sondern Fleck hat sich dem gesamten Kosmos "Stadt" gewidmet. Neben atemberaubenden Stadtansichten gehen wir durch grüne Parks, vorbei an blühenden Hecken, treffen Touristen und trinken einen Latte Macchiato; für das Abendessen kaufen wir ein Stück Käse. Mit Fleck gehen wir auch in die Randbereiche der Stadt, dort wo es nicht pittoresk ist, sondern wo vielleicht Müll liegt und wo eine Deponie oder ein Schrottplatz zu sehen sind. Schonungslos zeigt uns der Maler auch die angegriffene, kriegszerstörte Stadt. Durch die pure Schönheit in den anderen Motiven wird umso schmerzlicher bewusst, was durch sinnlose Zerstörung verloren geht. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Fleck das umfassende Thema der Stadt und des städtischen Lebens in einem romantischen Verständnis behandelt, indem er seine Sicht auf die unmittelbare Umgebung wiedergibt, auf das was ihn bewegt und auf das, was das Leben hervorbringt und ausmacht.
So umfassend, wie Fleck mit viel Farbe seine städtischen Welten aufbaut, so tief fühlt sich Tom Hammick in die ländliche Umgebung und in die Natur ein. Diese verknüpft er auf enge Weise mit den in seinen Bildern herumwandernden Figuren. In der Ausstellung sind neue Gemälde und Holzschnitte zu sehen, in denen diese Personen in der Rückenansicht dargestellt sind. Schnell nimmt man als Betrachter die Position dieser Figuren ein, begibt sich mit ihnen durch den nächtlichen Wald, steht am Ufer oder macht sich auf den Weg zum See, um dort im Mondschein zu schwimmen. Diese unspezifischen Gegenden, in die Hammick uns zumeist nachts entführt, schwanken zwischen Vertrautem und Fremdem, mal folgt man gerne, wie auf dem dunklen Weg zum hell erleuchteten Studio des Künstlers, mal fühlt man sich verloren. Die Rückenfigur, wie auch die Ausstellung heißt, ist ein uraltes künstlerisches Stilmittel. Sie geht uns mutig voran. In anderen Motiven steht sie der Erhabenheit der Natur gegenüber und so wird uns klar, dass in dem Raum, der sich zwischen der Figur und der Natur auftut, eine Sehnsuchtsperspektive entsteht, die es uns möglich macht, unsere Innenwelt auf die Außenwelt zu projizieren.
Ralph Fleck (*1951) war bis 2015 Professor für Malerei an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg. Seine Werke werden international ausgestellt und befinden sich in zahlreichen Sammlungen. Er lebt und arbeitet in Freiburg im Breisgau.
Tom Hammick (*1963) ist ein in Großbritannien renommierter Maler. Seine druckgraphischen Werke erarbeitet er in der aufwendigen Technik des Reduktionsholzschnittes. Bis 2019 lehrte er Druckgraphik an der University of Brighton. Hammick war im Januar 2024 Stipendiat an der Josef und Anni Albers Foundation in Bethany Connecticut/USA.
Die Ausstellung ist bis zum 12. Oktober 2024 zu sehen. Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein begleitender Katalog mit den Werken von Ralph Fleck.
"While drawing in front of Caspar David Friedrich's deeply moving paintings in an exhibition dedicated to his landscapes at the Nationalgalerie in Berlin recently,
I had a personal epiphany about his uniformity of style. It dawned on me that he understood, however subliminally, that style across all the visual mediums in his oeuvre,
was key to integrating his self to the world and the infinite beyond. It seemed a case that his own individual artistic language transformed his autobiographical personal
experiences into something much more heightened and mysterious. Like a great poet, I found the visual descriptions in his work of personal friendships and love, framed
in such epic surroundings, enabled me to ask questions that relate to my fleeting existence.
Why this obsession with Casper David Friedrich; to the extent that my exhibition at Galerie Boisserée is named after the motif of 'Rückenfigur', that he developed
into a key component of his painting and that was taken on later by other artists in the Romantic Movement? Perhaps, as a romantic myself, this compositional device of a
figure(s) seen from behind in the foreground or middle ground of an image come both with the territory of landscape as a hanger for existential concerns and as an acausal
coincidence of synchronicity , albeit one that lagged two hundred years behind this Friedrichian trope! Does the use of Rückenfigur mean as an artist I can cajole
the viewer into identifying with my painted and printed figures? And thereby with me? Does this compositional matrix help me share my own autobiographical experiences and
pass them on as universal concerns about wonderment, the never ending sky, the infinite cosmos, and helps me attempt to convey questions about love and loss and ideas of home,
and where home might be? Is it even possible to have a home beyond us being dwellers on Earth? In all this, can it be a device that links the specific to the universal?
As a young undergraduate in the early 80's studying Art History, I enjoyed a new approach to a sort of morphic resonance of picture making based on visual ideas rather than
fact based research of chronology, provenance and geographical connections around influence and appropriation. As a would be painter, I liked to connect style, content and
approaches of presenting visual information, across time zones and beyond the Western tradition. This was freeing. Max Baxendal, John Berger and Robert Rosenblum lead the way
at the time. But it was Rosenblum's book Modern Painting and The Northern Romantic Tradition : Friedrich to Rothko that blew me away. He recognised how radical Friedrich's
paintings were and still are to us contemporary painters, whether we be figurative or not.
In discussing Friedrich and my own work, the writer Adam Nicholson observed, "Looking at the painting of a figure looking out at the world makes us identify with that figure.
He is alone, we are alone. But we are alone together. That shared loneliness both demonstrates our cosmic marooning and soothes it. The emptiness of loss is fused with the
consolations of calm so that sorrow is filled with sweetness. And there is the darkness of the figure in the lit world. So it has luminosity, he has absorbency."
Tom Hammick, London, July 24
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"The Warm Ligurian Sea"
Subtiteld: Shelter 1
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2022
122 x 101 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 18 Exemplare
Sie können sich zahlreiche Exponate der Ausstellung hier ansehen:
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Path to the Studio"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
159 x 202 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Living Air"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
161 x 204 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Ocean and Stars"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
151 x 181 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Studio Albers"
Öl auf Leinwand 2024
82 x 56 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Silent Disco"
Öl auf Leinwand 2023/24
45 x 38 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Powder Mills study"
Öl auf Holz 2024
25 x 16,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Path to the Sea study"
Öl auf Holz 2024
25 x 16,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Studio Albers study"
Öl auf Holz 2024
25 x 16,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Woodwalkers study"
Öl auf Holz 2024
25 x 16,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"After Work"
Öl auf Holz 2024
15 x 10 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Woman on a Parapet, after Seurat"
Öl auf Holz 2024
18 x 13 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Out of a Darkening Sea"
Öl auf Holz 2023
12,7 x 17,7 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"The Invisible visible study"
Öl auf Holz 2024
ca. 20 x 30 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Two Figures by the Sea study"
Öl auf Leinwand/Holz 2024
18 x 24 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Space Station, Looking back to Earth"
Öl auf Holz 2023
17 x 23 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Two Figures beside an Emerald Blue Lake"
Öl auf Holz 2023
25 x 17 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Öl auf Holz 2023
18 x 13 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Koodge's Garden"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2022
140,8 x 120 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss I"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss II"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Night Swimmer II"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
75 x 107 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 17 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Night Falls"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2022
90 x 120,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 12 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"The Warm Ligurian Sea"
Subtiteld: Shelter 1
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2022
122 x 101 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 18 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Singing Your Name"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
121 x 174,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 7 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Studio Albers"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
62 x 46 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Path to the Sea"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
62 x 46 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Powder Mills"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
62 x 46 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
62 x 46 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2024
129 x 168 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Underworld (An Escape)"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2020
118 x 199 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 9 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Konstanze at the Window"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2020
121,4 x 87,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 21 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Tamino in the Wilderness"
aus der Serie "Glyndebourne"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2020
119 x 89 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 21 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Art Life"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2020
100 x 140 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 15 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2018
87 x 111 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 12 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Blessings in the Air"
aus "The Making of Poetry" (Adam Nicolson)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2019
33 x 49 cm, Abb. 30 x 44 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"The Crossing"
(in Homage to Alex Hartley's Dropper)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2018
156 x 121 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 9 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2017
75 x 71 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 16 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2017
75 x 100,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 16 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2017
119 x 152 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 16 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Outskirts (Day)"
2teiliger Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2015
120,5 x 161 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 12 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Outskirts Night"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2015
121,5 x 163 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 21 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2014
60 x 80 cm
sign. num. dat. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Nocturnal Paintings Seen from a Garden"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2012
78,5 x 120,2 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 14 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Tree Life"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2010
100 x 65 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Night Studio"
Radierung, Aquatinta (Farbvariante) 2020
41,5 x 49,5 cm, Pr. 21 x 31,5 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Dusky Island"
Radierung, Aquatinta (Farbvariante) 2019
43 x 54,4 cm, Pr. 24,5 x 33,2 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 30 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Night and Day"
Farbradierung 2019
49,5 x 39,8 cm, Pr. 30 x 21,8 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 30 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Dark Woods"
Farbradierung (Farbvariante) 2019
44 x 51,5 cm, Pr. 24,5 x 33,2 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 25 Exemplare
Tom Hammicks atmosphärische Landschaften sind Metaphern für menschliche Zustände und Spiegel menschlicher Seelen. Die Darstellungen von isolierten menschlichen Wohn- und Lebensräumen, die in unwirklichen Umgebungen geerdet sind, rufen die Atmosphäre melancholischer aber auch dystopischer Traumlandschaften hervor.
Sie entstammen einer Vielzahl von Quellen japanischen Holzschnitten, nordeuropäischer romantischer Malerei, östlicher Kultur, dem zeitgenössischen Kino oder sind von der Musik des britischen Komponisten Benjamin Britten inspiriert.
Hammicks druckgraphische Arbeiten umfassen Radierungen (mit Aquatinta und/oder Zuckertusche) und Holzschnitte (Reduktionsholzschnitte) mal in variabler Farbedition, mal von Hand übergangen.
Der britische Künstler wurde 1963 in Tidworth geboren. Er studierte zunächst Kunstgeschichte an der Manchester University (1982-85) und anschließend an der Camberwell School of Art, London (1987-92), wo er einen Abschluss in bildender Kunst und einen MA in Druckgraphik erwarb. Derzeit ist er Dozent für Bildende Kunst, Malerei und Druckgraphik an der University of Brighton.
Seine Arbeiten erhielten zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und befinden sich in öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen weltweit, darunter The British Museum, London; Yale Centre for British Art; Deutsche Bank; De Beers; British Arts Council und The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
2015 erschien die Monographie über Tom Hammicks Gemälde und Grafiken von Julian Bell.
1963 | Born, Tidworth, UK |
1982-85 | BA Hons Art History, University of Manchester |
1987-90 | BA Hons Fine Art, Camberwell College of Art, London |
1989 | Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada |
1990-92 | MA Printmaking, Camberwell College of Art, London |
Tom Hammick is an artist living and working in London.
2000 | New Paintings and Prints, Redfern Gallery, London Paintings, Tapestries and Prints, a retrospective, Etc. Gallery, Soho 601, London The Surfer Paintings: The Eagle Gallery hosting at 45 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 |
2001 | New Work, Studio 21 Fine Art, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Atlantic Provinces, Paintings and Prints, Paul Kane Gallery, Dublin Surfer paintings and Prints, Star Gallery |
2002 | Tapestries, Itre, London View from the Shore, Kings Gallery, Lewes |
2003 | Homeland, New Paintings at The Eagle Gallery, London New monumental Woodcuts and Lithographs. Standpoint Gallery, Hoxton, London Paintings and Woodcuts, Studio 21 Fine Art, Halifax, Canada |
2004 | Works on paper, The Eagle Gallery, London The Villas, The Eagle Gallery in association with Martin Elliott |
2005 | Project Space, London Art Fair: I month of painting Journey Through Newfoundland, New Paintings, Eagle Gallery Studio 21 Fine Art: Travel, New Work Stewart Zimmer Gallery, Arundel Chipping, Camden Gallery, New York New Graphic Work, Flowers East Gallery An exhibition of Paintings and Prints since 2000 at The Hospital, Covent Garden, London |
2006 | Paul Kane Gallery, Dublin, Plural New Work HQ Gallery, East Sussex 49th Parallels, Travels Through Newfoundland Kelly Ross Fine Art, Dorset |
2007 | Eagle Gallery, London Camden Gallery, Glos Page and Strange, Canada Chalk Hill Fine Art New Paintings, Eagle Gallery, London |
2008 | Charleston Festival Exhibition: Nocturnal and other paintings |
2009 | Sir Wilfred Grenfell College Art Gallery, Corner Brook, NL, Canada Paul Kane, Dublin, Pro tem, new paintings Salisbury Museum and Art Gallery Canopy: Kelly Ross Fine Art, Dorset Terrestrial, 10 years of Printmaking, Northern Print, Newcastle New Paintings, Gallery Page and Strange, Canada Paintings and Works on Paper, Christina Parker Gallery, Canada |
2010 | The Campden Gallery |
2011 | Edgeland, Eagle Gallery, London Imitations of Nature, Flowers Gallery, London Time Thought and Space, Chalk Hill Fine Art Dreams of Us, New Paintings and Woodcuts, Gallery Page and Strange, Canada |
2012 | Dreams of Here, with Andrzej Jackowski and Julian Bell, Brighton Museum and Art Gallery Evading Dystopia, New Works, The Campden Gallery Large Printworks, Where Where Gallery, Beijing Night and Day, New Drawings and Printworks, Rabley Drawing Centre Night Prints, Christina Parker Gallery, Canada |
2013 | Night Sky, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London Map, with Patrick Jones, Baker Mamonova Gallery, St Leonard's-on-sea, East Sussex Hypnagogic, Galerie Prodromus, Rue Saint-Sebastien, Paris Eidetic, Kelly Ross Fine Art, Blandford, Dorset |
2014 | New Paintings, Flowers Gallery, New York |
2015 | Wall Window World: Flowers East Gallery, London Solo show, Candida Stevens, Chichester Opera Works, Galerie Prodromus, Paris |
2016 | Towards Night. A collection of over 60 artists celebrating the nocturnal, Towner Eastbourne Passes Between Us, Rabley Drawing Centre, Wiltshire Out of Opera. Paintings and works on Paper inspired by ENO residency Waiting for Time. Sea Paintings and Works on Paper, Sladers Yard |
2017 | Lunar Voyage, New Woodcuts, Flowers Gallery, New York |
2018 | Lunar Voyage, Aldeburgh Music Festival, Suffolk in the Peter Pears Gallery and Garage Gallery, Aldeburgh Lunar Voyage, Flowers Gallery, Kingsland Road Island Life: new works, Rabley Drawing Centre |
2019 | Night Animals, New Paintings, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street The Making of Poetry Woodcuts, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street Deep North Selected Prints, 2004-2019, Glasgow Print Studio The Making of Poetry Woodcuts, Rye Art Gallery Lunar Voyage, St Mary's University Art Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Lunar Voyage, The Drawing Schools, Eton College Dark Woods of England, Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany |
2020 | Nightfire, New Paintings and Prints, Lyndsey Ingram Gallery, London Dark Woods of England, Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany Atlantica, with Lyndsey Ingram Gallery, London, Virtual Exhibition Miles to go before I sleep, Paul Smith, London |
2021 | New Woodcuts and Etchings, Glyndebourne Festival Opera The Rake's Progress, Exhibition with David Hockney, Glyndebourne Arcadian Dreams, Dartington Hall, Devon |
2022 | My Sister's Garden, Lyndsey Ingram Gallery, London New Monotypes, Glyndebourne Festival Opera Introduction to Tom Hammick: Night Paintings and Woodcuts, Taylor Piggott Gallery, Jackson Hole Wyoming |
2023 | Being Here, Small new Paintings, Project 78, St Leonard's on Sea Paintings and Prints, Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany Paintings and Woodcuts, Gail Severn Gallery, Idaho, USA |
2024 | Rueckenfigur, new paintings and prints, Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany |
2000 | Art 2000, London, Eagle Gallery and Advanced Graphics Basel Art Fair with Eagle Gallery Local Colour, Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery New Tapestries, The Oxford Gallery Five Gallery Artists, Star Gallery Paintings and Prints, Studio 21, Fine Art, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Paintings and Etchings, Unit 26, London Panel Paintings: Wilson Stephens Fine Art The Redfern at Bearings Bank The Redfern at Brighton Festival Cheltenham Drawing Exhibition, touring to Hull and Switzerland through 2001 Core Arts at Barings Unit 26, 68 Dean Street, London Undercurrents: The Eagle Gallery, Three man show Andrzej Jackowski and Matthew Burrows Leading British Artists from Advanced Graphics, Original Print Gallery, Dublin |
2001 | Art 2001, Work at The Eagle Gallery, Rosanna Wilson Stephens and Advanced Graphics Gallery Artists: New Graphic Works, Eagle Gallery, London Century by the Sea - Newhaven in painting, The Chapel Arts Centre, Newhaven, Sussex Jerwood Drawing Competition, Cheltenham, London and Hull |
2002 | Hunting Prize, Royal College of Art Art 2002, London Islington, Eagle Gallery, Wilson Stephen Fine Art and Advanced Graphics James Huntington Whitely, London (Football World Cup) Drawing Open, Gainsborough's House Wilson Stephen Fine Art at the British Art Fair, London DACS Open, Q.E. 11 Centre, London Eagle Gallery: Three Printmakers. Stephen Chambers and Jane Joseph Miniatures: From the Eagle to the Star, Lewes, Sussex Wall to Wall, Sarah Myerscough Fine Art, London |
2003 | Art 2003, London Islington, Wilson Stephens Fine Art Jagged Art in Start Section at Art 2003, London Islington Hunting Prize, Royal College of Art, London The Sussex Open, Brighton Paupers Press, New Publications, Venice and London Art Frankfurt with the Eagle Gallery Tapestries at Glyndebourne, 2003 Season The Figure in Contemporary Print, Angela Flowers East, Kingsland Rd., London Toronto International Art Fair/Studio 21 Fine Art |
2004 | Hunting Prize, Royal College of Art, London Art 2004, Eagle Gallery, London Works on Paper by Gallery Artists, Eagle Gallery, London Summer Show, The Royal Academy of Arts Chelsea Art Fair/Jagged Art 20/21 British Art, Royal College of Art with Wilson Stephens Fine Art Toronto Art Fair/ Studio 21 Fine Art New York Print Fair, with Sophie Hall Homes and Gardens Stand, Decorex Interiors Fair with Lucy Elworthy Jerwood Drawing prize, London, On tour to Pittville Gallery, University of Gloucestershire; Bayart, Cardiff |
2005 | Jerwood Drawing Prize on tour to mac, Birmingham; EICH Gallery/Lincoln University & The Lowry, Salford The Hunting Prize, 2005, Royal College of Art, London Print Works, Campden Gallery with selected artists from Marlborough and the Eagle The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, winner London Print Prize Christmas Show, Zimmer Stewart Gallery New York Art Fair with Flowers East Gallery Small is Beautiful, Flowers East Gallery |
2006 | British Printmakers, Flowers Gallery, New York The Sovereign Art Prize finalists, Bonhams, London London Art Fair, The Eagle Gallery Madrid Art Fair, The Eagle Gallery Travel, an exhibition of works at Clifford Chance New Editions, The Eagle Gallery, with Peter Abrahams, Julia Farrer, Zara Matthews and Terry Smith Mixed Show, Camden Gallery Toronto Art Fair with Christina Parker Gallery, Dublin Works on Paper Fair, Royal Academy of Arts with Flowers Graphics New York Art Fair with Flowers East Gallery Drawing Breath: 10 years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize, Wimbledon College of Art Contemporary Woodcuts, Flowers East Gallery Small is Beautiful, Flowers East Gallery |
2007 | Drawing Breath: 10 Years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize, NAS Galleries, Sydney, Australia From Elsewhere, The Campden Gallery, with Matthew Burrows, Denise De Cordova and James Fisher Advanced Graphics: Celebrating 40 Years, with Frost, Beattie, Hoyland and others The Originals Works on Paper Fair at the Royal Academy of Arts with The Eagle Gallery Drawing Breath: 10 Years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore Selected for the Sunday Times /Singer & Friedlander Watercolour Competition Selected for the Discerning Eye Competition |
2008 | Drawing Breath: 10 Years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize, Royal Academy of Arts, West of England Drawing Breath: 10 Years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize, University of Aberdeen Autobiography: Flowers Graphics The Figure, Sarah Myerscough Fine Art Romance, The Kowalsky Gallery, DACS, London Leaping Down to Earth: 12 Poems by Robert Vas Dias responding to 6 pictures each by Tom Hammick and Stephen Chambers The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London The Figure: Sarah Myerscough Fine Art Small is Beautiful, Flowers East Gallery, London The Print Fair, The Armoury New York, Flowers Graphics |
2009 | The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts Northern Print Biennale, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle Summer's Lease, The Eagle Gallery with Nick Carrick, Sarah Sparkes, Philippa Sutherland and Amanda Vesey |
2010 | When the Crows Fly White with Tony Wilson and Andrzej Jackowski, St. Anne's Galleries, Lewes, East Sussex UK Originals 10. Selected Artist, Mall Galleries Print Fair, Royal Academy of Arts with The Eagle Gallery and Flowers Graphics The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London |
2011 | Out of Drawing, Tom Hammick, Laura Carlin, Betsy Dadd, Zimmer Stewart Gallery The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London Multiplied, New Woodcuts, Christie's South Kensington with The Eagle Gallery, London New Woodcuts, with Flowers at the New York Print Fair, The Armoury NYC The Threadneedle Prize, Mall Galleries, London New Works, Christina Parker Gallery, Newfoundland, Canada |
2012 | Concerning Landscapes, with Olafur Eliasson, The Towner Gallery Daiwa Foundation Shortlist Exhibition, Daiwa House, London The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London Multiplied 2012 with The Rabley Drawing Centre The Mechanical Hand, Artist's project, Pauper's Press, King's Place, King's Cross, London The Jerwood Drawing Prize, London and Hastings The Threadneedle Prize 2012, Mall Galleries, London 100 Prints by 100 Artists, Flowers East Gallery London |
2013 | The Jerwood Drawing Prize, Bournemouth Art Gallery The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London Carousel, Aspex Gallery Portsmouth. Curated by Adam Bridgeland (with 10 invited artists) Multiplied 2013 with Rabley Fine Art. Christies South Kensington IFPDA Print Fair New York, with Flowers Gallery, New York Cutlog Art Fair, Paris with Flowers Gallery |
2014 | The Garden, Campden Gallery Art London, Islington, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London Fine Art Print Fair, New York Multiplied with Flowers London and Rabley Drawing Centre |
2015 | Promised Land, St Anne's Gallery, Lewes The Figure in 21st century Painting, Flowers East Gallery, London New Works on Paper, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street |
2016 | Icon, Candida Wilson Stevens, Chichester, Mixed Painting Exhibition The Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London Towards Night, Towner Art Gallery, London View from the Train, Glasgow Printmakers International Print Biennale, Newcastle Root 1066, Observer Building Hastings IFPDA Print Fair New York, with Flowers Gallery, New York Minnesota Art Fair, with Flowers Gallery Original Print Fair, Royal Academy of Arts |
2017 | Elsewhere, Mixed Show of Painters, Campden Gallery Good Nature, Candida Stevens Gallery Modern and Contemporary Prints, Kelly Ross Fine Art |
2018 | Festival 15, with Jackowski, Burrows and others, Hastings Drawing Symposium, University of Brighton Mixed Exhibition, Towner Art Gallery, London NHS at 70. 7 selected Artists with Jeremy Deller, Peter Blake, Elizabeth Magill, Chris Orr, Mona Hatoum, David Mach |
2019 | The Moon, National Maritime Museum, London Under the Night Sky, Albertz Benda, New York with Peter Doig,, Philip Guston, Chris Le Brun, Nan Goldin, Georg Baselitz, Alex Katz, Cindy Sherman, Mark Tobey, Christopher Wool, Yayoi Kusama, Ed Moses, Ralf Blakelock |
2020 | Night Walking, The Eagle Gallery with Denise de Cordova, Samantha Cary and Fiona Murray Mono: Mixed Exhibition, Glasgow Print Workshop |
2021 | Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts, London |
2022 | HÄUSER - HOUSES, Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany Unseen, Towner Gallery |
2023 | Jagged Art Group show celebrating 25 years Woodwalkers Two person show with Denise de Cordova at The Eagle Gallery Art Miami with Manifold Editions |
2024 | Almost Blue, Katherine Oliver Projects, RWS Gallery, Whitcomb Street, London WC2H 7HA London Original Print Fair, with Raw Editions and Manifold Editions IFPDA Print Fair at The Armory New York with Galerie Boisserée, Cologne, Germany |
1989 | Selected for the Spectator Award Exhibition |
1990 | Selected for Contemporary View, Royal College of Art, London |
1993 | Selected for Gilchrist Fisher Memorial Travel Fellowship South East Arts, Artists in Schools Project, High Down Special Needs school, Worthing |
1994 | Artist in Residence on the M. V. Radnes from Avonmouth to the Arctic South East Arts, Travel Award to Yukon and Alaska |
1995 | Nat West Young Artists Awards – Finalist |
1996 | Ballinglen Arts Foundation Residency Award, Ireland Lowick House Print Workshop Residency, Cumbria |
1997 | M c2 Print Exhibition, Norwich |
1998 | Winston Churchill Fellowship |
1999 | Robert Fraser Award |
2000 | Selected for the Cheltenham Drawing Competition |
2001 | Selected for the Jerwood Drawing Prize |
2002 | Arts Council, Southern and South East Arts: Major Development Award for monumental woodcuts, made at Hope Sufferance Studio, London Selected for Drawing for All, Gainsborough's House Drawing Open |
2003 | Joint Winner of the Sussex Open |
2004 | Jerwood Drawing Prize 2004, Prize-winner |
2005 | Residency to Newfoundland and Labrador, through the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador and support from the Canada Council, with a placement at the St. Michael's Print Workshop in St. John's The RE Award The Royal Academy London Print Fair Prize, Royal Academy Summer Show |
2006 | Sovereign Arts Prize Exhibition, Bonhams, London Creare Arts Foundation Residency, Scotland Selector for Artist of the Day, Flowers Central/ Selected: Helen Turner |
2007 | Judge for the DLA Painting Prize, Sarah Myerscough Fine Art, London Monotype Prize, Originals 09, London |
2009 | Selected for the Northern Print Biennale, 2009, Newcastle Winner of The Nexus Prize |
2011/12/13 | Shortlisted for The Threadneedle prize. (The Critics choice of both The Independent and The Times in 2011) |
2012 | Shortlisted for the Daiwa Foundation Art Prize and The Threadneedle Prize Selector for Bite |
2013 | Discover The Valleys. Poster Campaign. Selected Artist |
2014 | Artist in Residence at the International Scuola di Grafica, Venice Artist in Residence at St. John's Printshop, St. John's Newfoundland |
2014-15 | Artist in Residence, ENO, London |
2016 | Winner of the V&A Award, International Print Biennale Newcastle |
2017 | Judge with Gill Saunders of Sketch Artist in Residence Peacock Visual Arts Aberdeen |
2018 | Visual Artist in Residence, Aldeburgh Music Festival, Snape Maltings Judge Sussex Open, Towner Gallery |
2019 | Selector for Residencies, Royal Drawing School |
2021 | Artist in Residence, Dartington |
2020-21 | Associate Artist in Residence, Glyndebourne Festival Opera |
2020-23 | Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford |
2023 | Selector for Woolwich Contemporary |
2024 | Joseph Albers Foundation Award USA |
2025 | NSCAD, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. Residency |
Tate Collection within Emma Hill/Eagle Gallery Archive
Arts Council of Northern Ireland
British Museum (Collection of Prints and Drawings)
Victoria and Albert Museum collection of Prints and Drawings
Yale Centre for British Art, U.S.A.
De Beers, London
British © Council
Deutsche Bank
Arthur Anderson PLC
British Midland
BZW Bank, London
The Conquest Hospital, Hastings
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
The Royal London Hospital
St. Mary's University, Nova Scotia
Clifford Chance, London
Dorchester Hospital
Merryl Lynch
Bank of America-London
University of Washington Medical Centre, Seattle, U.S.A.
Scripps Women's Centre, San Diego, U.S.A.
British Land
The Groucho Club, London
Barings, London
DLA & Partners
Bank of Montreal, Toronto
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Canada
Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador
Canadian Provincial Gallery of New Brunswick
Chinese Academy of Fine Art
The Towner, Eastbourne
Brighton Museum and Art Gallery
The Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris
The Library of Congress Print Collection, USA
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Minnesota Art Gallery Collection
New York Library Collection
Pallant House Gallery, West Sussex
Benneton Collection
Estee Lauder Collection
Teilnahme an der
IFPDA printfair 2024
The Park Avenue Armory, New York
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
Tom Hammick
(geb. 1963 in Tidworth, UK)
"Garden in a Time of Loss II"
Farbholzschnitt (Reduktionsmethode) (Farbunikat) 2023
144,5 x 110 cm
sign. num. dat. bez. bet.
Auflage 20 Exemplare
We are showing TOM HAMMICK at
The International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA)
printfair in the Armory, New York
"It used to worry me that by splitting my time equally between painting and printmaking in two separate studios, I was somehow diminishing my practice. Why not simply paint? Why take the trouble with printmaking? But I don't feel this any more. In my lifetime, the more experimental and ambitious aspects of printmaking has seen the medium rise from something that was rather looked down on, especially in Britain, to one, in many contexts, that now has an equal footing with painting.
Look at the growth in popularity of Munch's printmaking alongside his painting, the dovetailing of Hockney's oeuvre, the work of Kiki Smith, Prunella Clough and Etel Adnan as examples of balanced practices in a variety of mediums. At the same time, the making of other traditionally more craft-based objects – ceramics, both sculptural and utilitarian, weaving and tapestry and the design and making of artisan clothing – are all forms of creativity now in mainstream ascendency. The traditional hierarchy of the visual arts seems to be breaking down.
I am keen on this state of affairs: more democratic and less gendered forms of making are back in the mix, and there is much more cross-fertilisation by artists picking and choosing their means of expression across this wider range of visual options.
For me, painting and printmaking are just different ways of making an image, requiring quite separate and idiosyncratic methods of preparation and execution. And while these forms of picture-making do require dissimilar heads and hearts, I try to cross-check painting's freshness into the mark-making and colour intensity of my etchings and woodcuts; and I enjoy bringing the more zen-like compartmentalised staging processes of printmaking into the way I build a painting.
Perhaps it is the Albers Foundation residency, of which I am the lucky current recipient, up in snow-covered woods in Bethany, Connecticut, that has allowed me to forgive myself for my own schizophrenic double-practice image-making. Being here, I have a growing realisation that the popularity and re-evaluation of Anni Albers' work, showcased a few years ago at Tate Modern in London, is one of the many influences in this new post-MeToo era of a much more diverse art world practice. A walk around galleries, museums and art fairs showcasing contemporary work will demonstrate the beginnings of the dismantling of the old pyramidal visual art leader board, with painting and sculpture at the apex, and various craft-based practices at the base, printmaking included.
This little grouping of selected works from the past four years on Galerie Boisserée's stand at the IFPDA Print Fair 2024 at The Armory in New York, is by definition and necessity an exhibition of woodcuts and etchings. All of the works reproduced here are on the stand, with the exception of a few images of paintings. Their inclusion in this poster catalogue is to contextualise the prints in the wider range of my practice.
In both print and painting, I celebrate the human condition, above all in the realms of love and loss, set in the frame of an existential crisis we all face, in which the Edenic world that has succoured us has been pushed to its knees. That is the interconnected exploration in both print and painting that I am passionate about – how our lives as loving, generous, involved human beings, subject to so much hurt, can look for and even find their validity, their happiness, in a world to which we are doing and have done so much damage."
Tom Hammick
Resident Artist
The Albers Foundation
Bethany Connecticut.
January 2024
(Link auf unser Instagram-Account):
© Galerie Boisserée, Cologne
© Tom Hammick, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn